We read in Revelation about things that must happen in the Last Days:

Rev 13:15-18 And there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might both speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, (17) even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. (18) Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

This Blog deals with the Mark of the Beast and to link current world events and Technology with end time prophecy to see where we stand in regarding to the return of Jesus Christ / Messiah Yeshua.

We will look at technology that supports this passage as well as the "changing" of humanity through Transhumanism and population reduction and how technology and food engineering help the elite to reach their goal of 500 Mil people on he Earth.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

11/1/12 - A new model for disaster recovery? China erects 30-storey earthquake-proof building in 15 days

January 11, 2012 – BEIJING – A development firm in China has erected a 30-storey hotel in just 15 days, or 360 hours. The developer, Broad Group, came under the global spotlight last year when it built a 16-storey residential block in China in just five days. And their latest project, which is located in the south-central Chinese city of Changsha is no less impressive. The ‘flat pack’ skyscraper was 90% pre-constructed in factories and then put together onsite. It uses one-sixth the materials of a comparable facility and is also an extremely energy-efficient building, combining thermal insulation, triple pane windows, external solar shading, fresh air heat recovery, and LED lighting. It is also earthquake-proof and is said to be able to withstand tremors of up to 9.0. Having perfected their novel approach to construction the company now aims to build another 150 30-storey apartment buildings, hotels and offices in the same manner. It is hoped that the ability to build property so quickly will revolutionize areas where property is in short supply. The company believes that their approach could be used to quickly construct environmentally-friendly homes in over populated urban areas and could also be used in disaster relief to construct new buildings quickly and efficiently. No doubt some British builders could take a leaf out of Broad’s book. –A Place in the Sun

11/1/12 - Anthrax outbreak kills hundreds of animals in Zimbabwe national reserve

January 11, 2012 – AFRICA - More than 165 wild animals including 88 hippopotamuses have died amid an outbreak of anthrax in Zimbabwe. The hippos were found dead alongside 45 buffaloes, 30 elephants and two kudos in the country’s northern Mana Pools national park. Zimbabwean Parks and Wildlife Management Authority spokeswoman Caroline Washaya-Moyo told the state-owned Herald newspaper that tests had proved the hippos were killed by anthrax. She added that the cause of death for the other animals had not yet been confirmed but said early signs suggested they had also fallen victim to the infectious disease. Ms. Washaya-Moyo said she feared the outbreak could spread to other wildlife in the protected reserve, which lies around the lower Zambezi River. She said: ‘Our office has confirmed the anthrax outbreak following the death of the animals in Mana Pools. The Authority engaged the vet offices who later collected samples from hippos for lab testing. The lab test confirmed that 88 hippopotamus died of anthrax.’ Officials are today conducting further tests on the affected animals, which are all believed to have died in the last few weeks. Government veterinary officer Chris Foggin said a team of specialists had visited the area and were burning the carcasses of the dead animals in an attempt to prevent the infection from spreading. He told the Herald: ‘A number of animals have died, but we have visited the area and we sealed it off and we are burning the carcasses to prevent any further spread, an action well considered now that the lab reports confirmed anthrax as the culprit.’ Mana Pools is one of Zimbabwe’s most famous national parks. –Daily Mail

Thursday, 5 January 2012

So What Do Lindsey Williams And Ben Fulford Have To Say About 2012?

Welcome to 2012, the “Beginning of the End for Illuminati Gangsters”…

(to watch on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TExy-8ci7CA)
This year will be a year to remember as it goes down in history as the year of change, endings, and new beginnings.  While I have no clue what exactly will take place, the gangsters “tank tanks” say it will be on a spiritual nature.  Maybe God will come down and spank these evil Illuminati children over his knee… wouldn’t that be fun to watch?  He He He!
But seriously, what do you think it will be?  I personally think it will be “Disclosure” as the president will finally announce on live television the existence of aliens like John F. Kennedy was going to do in the 1960′s before the Illuminati murdered him.  Why you ask?  Well, as you should know by now, the Illuminati always tell us what they are going to do to us before they do it.  It’s one of their “moral codes”, if you want to call it that?  Recently, they have given us sheep another clue as to what’s coming in this year’s Christmas card from the White House.
white-house-2011-christmas-card-with-ufo-in-skyYes, that is a UFO in the background hovering near the White House.  Now sending out Christmas cards from the White House, to people on their list that requested one, isn’t something new.  They have been doing it for many years now.  And, if I had to guess, they have a well equipped team of staff members that pick the perfect picture each year… with an unlimited budget I’m sure too.  After all, the massive printing of money by thug Ben Bernanke isn’t going to  the public (us sheep) of course.  It’s going to the crooks on running the country first and then to pay the salaries of government officials.  Well, staff members that doing the job of creating and mailing out the Christmas card every year aren’t exactly hurting for funding I’d bet.
So, this tells me that the UFO in the picture was left there on purpose to warn us sheep of “Disclosure” coming soon.  When?  I don’t know of course, but probably this year.  Come on’… it’s the end of the Mayan calendar after all.  So, you know something BIG is planned.  These gangsters are going to go out with a BANG of course… just like everything else they do in life if BIG, I’d say something BIG is going to happen this year.

On to Lindsey Williams…

(to watch on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rQ8pDbCWPM)
Lindsey has just came out with a new interview with Alex Jones where he stated that the Evil Illuminati Gangsters plan to collapse the Dollar by 40% this year!  Yeah… 40%, and they plan to do it overnight basically.  It will likely happen over a weekend and they will declare a bank holiday several of the days of the follow week so everyone is trapped and can’t get their money out of the banks… or the stock market!  This is what FDR did back in the 1930′s, and exactly what the murdering thieves plan to do again.  President Roosevelt tricked the public into turning in their $20 Dollar Gold Coins for $20 Dollar of paper money at the local banks several months leading up to the Dollar Devaluation.  They were told that the country needed the gold for the war and that they need the people to be patriotic and help with funding by surrendering their gold for paper.  Of course many of the sheep did…
Then, just a few months later, FDR declared a “Bank Holiday” over some planned weekend and then when they finally re-opened the banks, the $20 gold coin now costed $35 to buy back!  Talk about pissing people off!   The public was furious, but of course it was too late then as they had been tricked and there was nothing they could do about it.  Well guess what… Lindsey’s source says they plan to do it again this year.
Yes, I know, Lindsey could be feed dis-information and this not actually happen… just like oil hasn’t went to $150-$200 per barrel as he said last year.  But, he never said it was “definitely” going to happen in 2011 (although the tone of his voice hinted at it).  He said that he was told that the gangster would take oil to that price point before the end of 2012… so he’s not wrong yet.  He also said that we have the power to stop these gangsters, (which is why he’s telling us all this information), as they don’t always get what they want.  They were delayed and backed off on raising the price of gasoline in 2011 because so many of us sheep are “waking up”… and they don’t like that one little bit!
In fact, they are doing everything they can to stop it and keep us sheep minded controlled and stupid.  A recent article here (seeker401.wordpress.com/2011/12/28/bill-clinton-free-speech-needs-to-be-more-consensus-driven-we-need-to-go-back-to-the-big-3-networks) shows big time Illuminati Gangster Bill Clinton going around telling us sheep that we need to get back to “The Big 3 TV Networks”, as too much information is bad for us!  LOL!  What a lying thug he is!  Sounds like they are scared to death because we sheep are listening to their minded controlled TV media outlets anymore and are finally discovering the truth about them.

Back to Lindsey…

Lindsey goes on to say that he’s elite gangsters source told him to go listen to a speech that Ben Bernanke did back on November 21st, 2002 at National Economist Club in Washington D.C. when he was only a Fed Governor and not the Fed Chief Bankster.  Here is thelink… (www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/2002/20021121/default.htm) to that speech and I’m including the actual copy of it below… just in case it disappears, if you know what I mean.