We read in Revelation about things that must happen in the Last Days:

Rev 13:15-18 And there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might both speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, (17) even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. (18) Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

This Blog deals with the Mark of the Beast and to link current world events and Technology with end time prophecy to see where we stand in regarding to the return of Jesus Christ / Messiah Yeshua.

We will look at technology that supports this passage as well as the "changing" of humanity through Transhumanism and population reduction and how technology and food engineering help the elite to reach their goal of 500 Mil people on he Earth.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Climatic Change - Is it Nature hitting Back or is it Man Made?

Sun, 2011-05-22 00:22 — editor

* Article

By Major General (Retd.) Kamal Fernando - Former Chief Signals Officer, Sri Lanka Army

Sri Lanka has been receiving a massive dose of bad weather in the form of rain in the Northern, Eastern and North Central regions of the Island. The most significant factor is that these are the “rice bowl” areas of the Country. The explanation given by most weather prediction experts is that this is an extended version of the North-East monsoon which brings rain at this period of the year.

It is also interesting to note that other food producing areas in the world namely Australia, Brazil, Russia, China and certain parts of America, have had heavy rain, extreme hot weather, very cold spells, cyclones etc, etc over the last few months. Officials blame el-nino and la-nina for the cause of this phenomenon together with the emission of green house gases.

Is This The Only Cause For These Weather Patterns?

World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "US military scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods include
the enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods."

Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book "Between Two Ages" that: "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised... Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. "

Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of "unconventional weapons" using radio frequencies. He refers to "weather war," indicating that the U.S. and Russia (then Soviet Union) had already "mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s." These technologies make it "possible to trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves]."

A simulation study of future defense "scenarios" commissioned for the US Air Force calls for: "US aerospace forces to 'own the weather' by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications." From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. The American government pursues such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.

The High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program – Haarp

The High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) based in Gokoma Alaska-jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy-is part of a new generation of sophisticated weaponry under the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating "controlled local modifications of the ionosphere".

Scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich-actively involved in the public campaign against HAARP-describes HAARP as: "A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere) by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything-living and dead."

Dr. Rosalie Bertell depicts HAARP as "a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet."

Misleading Public Opinion

HAARP has been presented to public opinion as a program of scientific and academic research. US military documents seem to suggest, however, that HAARP's main objective is to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes." Without explicitly referring to the HAARP program, a US Air Force study points to the use of "induced ionospheric modifications" as a means of altering weather patterns as well as disrupting enemy communications and radar.

According to Dr. Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is part of a integrated weapons' system, which has potentially devastating environmental consequences: "It is related to fifty years of intensive and increasingly destructive programs to understand and control the upper atmosphere. It would be rash not to associate HAARP with the space laboratory construction which is separately being planned by the United States. HAARP is an integral part of a long history of space research and development of a deliberate military nature.

The military implications of combining these projects is alarming. The ability of the HAARP / Spacelab/ rocket combination to deliver very large amount of energy, comparable to a nuclear bomb, anywhere on earth via laser and particle beams, are frightening. The project is likely to be "sold" to the public as a space shield against incoming weapons, or, for the more gullible, a device for repairing the ozone layer.

In addition to weather manipulation, HAARP has a number of related uses: "HAARP could contribute to climate change by intensively bombarding the atmosphere with high-frequency rays. Returning low-frequency waves at high intensity could also affect people's brains, and effects on tectonic movements cannot be ruled out.

More generally, HAARP has the ability of modifying the World's electro-magnetic field. It is part of an arsenal of "electronic weapons" which US military researchers consider a "gentler and kinder warfare".

Weapons Of The New World Order

HAARP is part of the weapons arsenal of the New World Order under the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). From military command points in the US, entire national economies could potentially be destabilized through climatic manipulations. More importantly, the latter can be implemented without the knowledge of the enemy, at minimal cost and without engaging military personnel and equipment as in a conventional war. The use of HAARP-if it were to be applied-could have potentially devastating impacts on the World's climate.

Responding to US economic and strategic interests, it could be used to selectively modify climate in different parts of the World resulting in the destabilization of agricultural and ecological systems. It is also worth noting that the US Department of Defense has allocated substantial resources to the development of intelligence and monitoring systems on weather changes. NASA and the Department of Defense's National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) are working on "imagery for studies of flooding, erosion, land-slide hazards, earthquakes, ecological zones, weather forecasts, and climate change" with data relayed from satellites.

Policy Inertia Of The United Nations

According to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro:

"States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction."

It is also worth recalling that an international Convention ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1997 bans "military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects." Both the US and the then Soviet Union were signatories to the Convention. The Convention defines "environmental modification techniques" as referring to any technique for changing-through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes-the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere or of outer space." Why then did the UN-disregarding the 1977 ENMOD Convention as well as its own charter-decide to exclude from its agenda at several meetings held subsequently, climatic changes resulting from military programs? The inference made is that the UN is clearly in the pay of the US.

European Parliament Acknowledges Impact Of HAARP

In February 1998, responding to a report of Mrs. Maj. Britt Theorin-Swedish MEP and longtime peace advocate--, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the HAARP program. The Committee's "Motion for Resolution" submitted to the European Parliament: "Considers HAARP by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body; the Committee regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to give evidence to the public hearing into the environmental and public risks of the HAARP program."

The Committee's request to draw up a "Green Paper" on "the environmental impacts of military activities", however, was casually dismissed on the grounds that the European Commission lacks the required jurisdiction to delve into "the links between environment and defense". Brussels was anxious to avoid a showdown with Washington.

Fully Operational

While there is no concrete evidence of HAARP having been used, scientific findings suggest that it is at present fully operational. What this means is that HAARP could potentially be applied by the US military to selectively modify the climate of an "unfriendly nation" or "rogue state" with a view to destabilizing its national economy. Agricultural systems in both developed and developing countries are already in crisis as a result of New World Order policies including market deregulation, commodity dumping, etc. Amply documented, IMF and World Bank "economic medicine" imposed on the Third World and the countries of the former Soviet block has largely contributed to the destabilization of domestic agriculture. In turn, the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have supported the interests of a handful of Western agri-biotech conglomerates in their quest to impose genetically modified (GMO) seeds on farmers throughout the World.

It is important to understand the linkage between the economic, strategic and military processes of the New World Order. In the above context, climatic manipulations under the HAARP program (whether accidental or deliberate) would inevitably exacerbate these changes by weakening national economies, destroying infrastructure and potentially triggering the bankruptcy of farmers over vast areas.

Surely national governments and the United Nations should address the possible consequences of HAARP and other "non-lethal weapons" on climate change.

- Asian Tribune -

Defense Spooks: Let’s Control Enemy Minds

Forget performance-enhancing drugs for soldiers, the next frontier is performance-degrading drugs for our enemies. Rick Weiss at the Science Progress blog has just written a nice post about a just-released 150-page report from the National Research Council and the Defense Intelligence Agency that argues that the military needs to do a better job keeping up with neuroscience: in part so it can learn how to make our enemies stupider.

“Although conflict has many aspects, one that warfighters and policy makers often talk about is the motivation to fight, which undoubtedly has its origins in the brain and is reflected in peripheral neurophysiological processes," quotes Weiss from the report. “So one question would be, ‘How can we disrupt the enemy’s motivation to fight?’ Other questions raised by controlling the mind: ‘How can we make people trust us more?’ ‘What if we could help the brain to remove fear or pain?’ ‘Is there a way to make the enemy obey our commands?’… As cognitive neuroscience and related technologies become more pervasive, using technology for nefarious purposes becomes easier.”

    Darpa Wants Remote Controls to Master Troop Minds

    The Pentagon’s blue-sky research arm wants to trick out troops’ brains, from the areas that regulate alertness and cognition to pain treatment and psychiatric well-being. And the scientists want to do it all from the outside in — with a gadget installed inside the troops’ helmets. “Remote Control of Brain Activity Using Ultrasound,” the Defense Department’s Armed with Science blog promises.

    It’s the latest out-there project in the military’s growing arsenal of brain-based research. In recent months alone, the Pentagon’s funded projects to optimize troop’s minds, prevent injuries and even preemptively assess cognitive ability and vulnerability to traumatic stress. Now, Darpa’s funding one lab that’s trying to do it all — from boosting troop smarts to preventing traumatic brain injuries.

    Arizona State University neuroscientist William Tyler has been working with funding from the Army Research Laboratory for years. That neurotechnology work has now caught the eye of Darpa, which awarded his lab a Young Faculty Award to improve upon non-invasive approaches to brain stimulation.
    “When people ask what this kind of device could do, I ask them what their brain does for them,” Tyler tells Danger Room. “The brain serves all the functions of your body, and if you knew the neuroanatomy, then you can start to regulate each one of those functions.”

    Already, scientists have devised cutting-edge brain stimulation methods to treat medical disorders, like Parkinson’s disease or severe depression. But current deep-brain approaches require invasive surgery to implant electrodes and batteries, and external ultrasound stimulation can’t penetrate “the deep brain circuits where many diseased circuits reside,” Tyler writes at Armed With Science.

    Now, Tyler and his research team have created a “transcranial pulsed ultrasound” that’s able to stimulate a myriad of brain circuits from the outside in. The device has already proven capable of targeting deep brain regions, unlike existing methods. And it’s capable of zeroing in on extremely specific brain zones, as small as two or three millimeters. Plus, prototype devices are small enough to be fitted inside a typical helmet.
    “Going deep beneath the skull and having extremely specific spatial resolution are two huge advantages over existing approaches,” Tyler says. “Depth and specificity are what allow the ultrasound to do what other methods can’t.”

    With Darpa’s funding, Tyler plans to expand the uses of the ultrasound and improve the device’s spacial resolution even more, making it a veritable all-in-one brain stimulation device. Using a microcontroller device, the ultrasound would stimulate different brain regions to boost troop alertness and cognition, relieve stress and pain, and protect them against traumatic brain injuries.

    “The really damaging part of a TBI isn’t the initial injury,” Tyler says. “It’s the metabolic damage, the free radicals and the swelling that are happening in the hours afterward. If you can flick your remote and trigger an immediate intervention, you’d be curbing what might otherwise be lifelong brain damage.”
    Photo: U.S Air Force
    See Also:

    DARPA 2009: Brains-on-a-Chip, Transparent Displays

    Brains-on-a-chip, robotic rescue choppers, see-through displays — those are just a few of the projects that the Pentagon’s mad science division has hatched up for next year. 
    Earlier this week, DARPA, the Defense Department’s way-out research arm, submitted its $3.29 billion budget for the 2009 fiscal year. In it are dozens of new programs — one more far-reaching than the next.
    A particularly wild project is Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics, or  SyNAPSE.  "The program will develop a brain inspired electronic ‘chip’ that mimics that function, size, and power consumption of a biological cortex," DARPA promises us.  "If successful, the program will provide the foundations for functional machines to supplement humans in many of the most demanding situations faced by warfighters today" — like getting usable information out of video feeds, and starting tasks.   The agency is looking to spend $3 million next year, to get started on its faux brain effort.   My guess is that it will take considerably more cash to get it done.

    The "Nightingale" program aims to put together the building blocks for a "fully autonomous" flyer that could some day serve as both an unmanned ambulance-in-the-sky and as a robotic search-and-rescue chopper.  Looking for, picking up and stabilizing the wounded are dangerous, complicated jobs.  But, by squeezing "integrated life support capabilities into a small unmanned (or optionally piloted) air vehicle," DARPA thinks Nightingale could keep some soldiers out of harm’s way.  Not only would the drone search for the missing and wounded.  This "low cost, high availability air ambulance" could be deployed near the warzone, to get casualties to combat hospitals in a hurry. 

    Of course, making this a reality won’t be easy.  "Technical challenges include intelligent autonomous flight behavior, sensor integrated guidance and control to enable flight in complex terrain, fully autonomous selection…of suitable landing locations, dual mode (ground and flight) propulsion, collaboration/coordination with human combat medics and safe and rapid autonomous launch and return to advanced medical facilities."
    Just about everything, in other words.

    And that isn’t the only new robot project DARPA has in mind for
    2009.  There’s a $4 million effort to start work on a "robotic naval vessel to operate for years with minimal human interaction."  $4.5
    million to build a teeny-tiny, unmanned Osprey that can perch on a rooftop, and silently spy on foes.  Another $4 million to arm small drones with an "inexpensive, low weight precision munition that is effective against soft targets," including individual people.  And $2
    million for a walking "tetrapod" to carry soldiers’ gear.  (That sounds like our favorite robot, the eerily lifelike, four-legged BigDog.)

    DARPA is also looking to spend $5 million next year on laser-guided bullets
    – ammo steered by beams of coherent light, and able to turn on a dime.  If the program works as planned, the agency promises, "it will make every shooter with any .50-caliber weapon" into "a precision sniper at greater than 2 kilometer range."

    Another $3 million will go towards spotting rocket-propelled grenades — before they’re launched, somehow.  DARPA doesn’t elaborate how the trick would be pulled off, only that it would involve
    "cognitive swarm recognition technology."  In phase one of the program,
    DARPA boasts, the system will be capable of "detection rates greater than 95%."

    DARPA is also looking to spend $3 million next year on "transparent displays."  How would you make those?  Simple… By "exploiting the optical plasmon phenomenology characteristics of nanoscale structures."  (Contact DANGER ROOM HQ immediately in you can translate.)  These new gadgets will replace existing models "in a host of applications, such as canopy- windshield- window-integrated… and new, light-weight avionics displays."  Soldiers today have to use clunky monocles or PDAs — if they use anything at all — to get data on the run.  DARPA figures this project might lead to "integrated helmet display visors, bringing the digital battle space to the individual warfighter." 

    31/5/11 - New Army Camera Promises Super-Wide Surveillance

    argusThe ability to provide real-time surveillance of large areas may be getting closer, as the Army launches a quest for a 2.3 gigapixel camera that could be packaged aboard a drone or a manned aircraft. The new device would be smaller and lighter than previous systems – and it would work in the infrared range too.

    Airborne surveillance is moving fast. We’ve seen the 66-megapixel Angel Fire and 39-megapixel BuckEye sensors being used in operations, while the even more powerful Gorgon Stare is being flight tested next year. In February we reported on Darpa’s Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance – Imaging System (ARGUS-IS ), a 1.8 gigapixel flying eye which will be mounted in a 500-pound pod carried by a Predator or A160 Hummingbird robocopter. The ARGUS-IS makes for an impressive camera, with the resolution and processing power to track a large number of separate items including “dismounts” — people on foot — over a wide area, as well as “a real-time moving target indicator for vehicles throughout the entire field of view in real-time.”

    But ARGUS-IS is already looking old. Now the Army is asking for something even more powerful. In a new request for solicitations, it outlined the concept for a novel visible/infrared sensor that will cover a much larger area on the ground — with much higher resolution.

    The sensor is required to be lightweight with low power consumption and to have significantly lower operating costs compared to existing systems, and must be able to operate from small aircraft, either manned or unmanned. In terms of specifics, the Army is looking for 2.3 gigapixels running at two frames per second. By my reckoning, this suggests continuous coverage of area of around sixty-two square miles at 0.3m resolution with a single sensor. That’s quite a step up from Angel Fire, which covers a tenth of the area at much lower resolution. And the new camera will work in the near-infrared range as well. This is useful for analysis, as sometimes things that are invisible in the normal range can be picked out easily in infrared; it also means that people can be illuminated without being aware of it.

    At this point, the Army is still looking for proposals, and actual working hardware is some years down the line. However, the technology is moving fast and there is little doubt that the following generation will be much smaller than the 500-pound ARGUS. The PANOPTES being developed by Marc Christensen at Southern Methodist University with Darpa funding could potentially cut camera weight by a factor of ten by using a large array of small imaging elements.

    Once the technology is developed, anticipated civilian spin-offs will include “improved border and maritime management/patrol, critical infrastructure protection, transportation security, search & rescue, crime prevention, land & sea traffic monitoring, pipeline/powerline monitoring, private infrastructure surveillance/security”

    Meanwhile Darpa is also working on something a bit more advanced. This is ARGUS-IR, a version of ARGUS that works in the medium and long infra-red. This is the “emissive” end of the infra-red scale, where warm objects are visible by the infra-red light they emit. ARGUS-IR will only have a trifling 200 megapixels, later to be upgraded to 400. But the ability to see warm objects such as people in pitch darkness through some types of cover will add a new dimension.

    The old adage “you can run, but you can’t hide” is becoming more true than ever, and real-time surveillance of huge swathes of territory using small drones will become a practical proposition. Airborne cameras providing a persistent view were a key factor in Task Force ODIN’s success in Iraq; given the new technology, their successors could have even more impact. And those cameras might have some effect on the home front too.

    IMAGE: Darpa
    See Also:

    31/5/11 - One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller

    Thought military tracking technology couldn’t get any creepier? Hold onto your tinfoil hats and hide behind the nearest curtain because the next generation of manhunting gear just took another step closer to reality.
    The Pentagon’s bleeding-edge research shop, Darpa, announced this week that it awarded a $14 million contract to defense contractor SAIC to build Insight, its system-of-systems effort to mashup snooping sensors that’ll find human prey on the battlefield.
    Darpa has developed loads of sensors and spying gear: everything from the 1.8-gigapixel Argus camera to the Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar (given the wonderful acronym, “Vader”) that pinpoints humans, cars and trucks from a distance. But getting all these systems to mesh together so that your average grunt can form a picture clear enough to track a high value terrorist or insurgent in real time is tricky, to say the least. It’s a classic problem in intelligence work: too much information and too much trouble connecting the dots. The result is “information overload” in general, and “information underload” on specific targets.
    And that’s the problem that Darpa wants Insight to solve. It’s supposed to help users sift through the heaps of information collected by the U.S. military’s numerous sensor platforms to find just the right information, on just the right targets using the most appropriate combination of spying gear.
    Darpa wants Insight to integrate data from a dizzying array of sources. It’s hungry for info from ground moving target indicators, infrared video, multispectral imagery, human tipsters, audio intercepts, even text chats and social media, among others. The idea, though, isn’t to configure the program for a fixed set of inputs, but allow it to be flexible enough to “plug and play” with different sensors as needs dictate.

    But Insight isn’t just supposed to be a warehouse for all the data soaked up by the military’s eyes and ears. It’s supposed to make sense of it, too. In a notice to researchers, Darpa states that the system needs to be able to perform “threat network detection/estimation,” “anomaly detection” and ”behavioral (pattern-of-life) modeling including cultural, social, and insurgency dynamics.” In other words, Insight needs to get a feel for the rhythm of life in the areas it’s looking at, understand what kinds of threats its users are interested in and be able to automatically pick them out of the heaps of data and background noise.
    Just so Insight isn’t running off its own smarts alone, Darpa’s planning a number of tools to aid the human-software collaboration, including “visualization, hypothesis manipulation, and on-line learning” as well as other “algorithms and data processing technologies.”
    So how will Insight be used on the battlefield? Think high value targets, for one. Darpa says its spy system needs to be able to track so-called “high value individuals” (.pdf) and insurgents, even over the long term, across a range of settings from rural to urban. Insight’s also supposed to be capable enough to think one step ahead of the threats it tracks and anticipate their next move, like sniffing out a possible ambush.
    On the ground, it would play out like this. An analyst adds to a watch list the name of a particularly important insurgent. A sensor picks up someone who might be him driving past a checkpoint in Iraq. Insight automatically recognizes that he’ll soon drive out of range of the current sensor and switches over to a new snooping device closer by to pick him up down the road. It follows him as he picks up associates and drives to a meeting, keeping a constant watch on him as it shifts from sensor data to communications intercepts to the real-time reports of spies on the ground, ultimately verifying his identity.
    A system this complex, you can’t just dump in Iraq or Afghanistan. So Darpa is looking to set up an “incubator” — a sort of virtual world, where all these sensors and sensor-integrators can be tested out first. The pixelized place will pit the system against a battery of simulated sensor data and information collected from real world threats to see how it performs at tracking threats.  Once it’s finished in the virtual world, it moves to meatspace testing at the Army’s National Training Center in Ft. Irwin, California. Only then would it go to an honest-to-God war zone.
    Photo: Flickr/US Army
    See Also:

    31/5/11 - Congressman Warns: “Those Who Can, Should Move Their Families Out Of the City”

    Mac Slavo
    May 27th, 2011

    There are a whole host of events that can bring the world as we know it today to its knees. From a hyperinflationary economic collapse to an electro magnetic pulse originating from the sun or a nuclear weapon , there exists a real and present danger that our system may, in the near future, experience unrecoverable shocks to the power grid and clean water infrastructure, a halt to just-in-time agricultural transportation systems and a collapse of the currency exchange mechanisms that make the economy function.
    US Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), lived through the great depression, so he’s seen how bad things can get. In a new documentary, Mr. Bartlett and others discuss the dangers posed to those living in cities and ways that your family can survive if the worst were to ever happen.
    Roscoe Bartlett:
    We could have events in the future where the power grid will go down and it’s not, in any reasonable time, coming back up. For instance, if when the power grid went down some of our large transformers were destroyed, damaged beyond use, we don’t make any of those in this country. They’re made overseas and you order one and 18 months to two years later they will deliver it. Our power grid is very vulnerable. It’s very much on edge. Our military knows that.

    There are a number of events that could create a situation in the cities where civil unrest would be a very high probability. And, I think that those who can, and those who understand, need to take advantage of the opportunity when these winds of strife are not blowing to move their families out of the city.
    Source: Urban Danger Movie
    We realize that for most people this may be decried as fear-mongering and crazy survival talk. We can’t help but point out, however, that it’s not just Representative Roscoe Bartlett, economist Marc Faber, and trend forecaster Gerald Celente that are recommending you prepare and head for rural areas. The US Pentagon and Military are very much aware of these possibilities and they’re preparing for exactly the scenarios described in this documentary.

    The threat is out there, and just because it hasn’t happened in our modern-day society up until now doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future. In fact, it has happened through history – strife, poverty, depression, economic collapse, war. You name it and somebody in history has lived it. The government spends hundreds of billions of dollars on emergency preparedness, disaster planning, continuity of government and war gaming these scenarios. There’s a reason for that. We recommend our readers take a queue from them and others who are warning of these outlier possibilities.

    For a taste of what’s in the movie you can view the first 20 minutes of Urban Danger below:
    View the entire documentary (for FREE) at the Urban Danger web site.
    (Also available on DVD)
    Author: Mac Slavo
    Date: May 27th, 2011
    Website: www.SHTFplan.com

    Monday, 30 May 2011

    Tom 30/5/11 - Transhumanist Feminists Want Artificial Wombs As Path To Future Freedoms

    Humanity inevitably will return to the egg via “artificial wombs” that allow women the same gestating liberty as birds in the air. Critics of “ectogenesis” abound, but we’re convinced of its advantages. Synthetic uteri will spawn exciting freedoms for both genders. Here’s how: Maternal Health & Safety -- Feminist Shulamith Firestone famously spoke out against pregnancy in the 1970s, calling it “barbaric.” She deplored the “deformation of the body” that gestation created, leading to childbirth that “hurts and isn’t good for you.” Though Firestone’s views on pregnancy were at times extreme, the negative side effects of pregnancy, which include nausea, vomiting, weight gain of up to 40+ pounds, fatigue and pain, with a torturous pushing culmination that can leave the mother dead, wounded with a c-section, with pelvic floor injuries, postpartum hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia, hospital infections, or post-traumatic stress disorder, give due credit to her case...

    Eggs were first. Millions of years before mammals, eggs existed, their hard shells protecting the incubating embryo inside. Egg Mom wanders mobile, light in her anatomy—unlike her mammalian sister that waddles around, heavily crippled with the burden of her womb. Eggs were an evolutionary smart idea.

    In February at the Grammy Awards, Lady Gaga crawled out of an artificial womb to sing her hit, “Born This Way.” Synthetic uteri have been featured in numerous books and films, from Brave New World to Avatar. We believe eggs are destined to return, to hatch our young, and that we will embrace them.


    Humanity inevitably will return to the egg via “artificial wombs” that allow women the same gestating liberty as birds in the air. Critics of “ectogenesis” abound, but we’re convinced of its advantages. Synthetic uteri will spawn exciting freedoms for both genders. Here’s how:

    Maternal Health & Safety

    Feminist Shulamith Firestone famously spoke out against pregnancy in the 1970s, calling it “barbaric.” She deplored the “deformation of the body” that gestation created, leading to childbirth that “hurts and isn’t good for you.” Though Firestone’s views on pregnancy were at times extreme, the negative side effects of pregnancy, which include nausea, vomiting, weight gain of up to 40+ pounds, fatigue and pain, with a torturous pushing culmination that can leave the mother dead, wounded with a c-section, with pelvic floor injuries, postpartum hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia, hospital infections, or post-traumatic stress disorder, give due credit to her case.

    Historically, 1 out of 100 women died giving birth, and although that figure has been vastly reduced, birthing remains, and will always remain, a serious health risk. And while many women report holding the newborn in their arms for the first time, forgetting the frustrations of pregnancy and considering the hardships ‘worth it’, the fact remains: pregnancy is one of the most risky and unpleasant things a women can expect to endure.

    Fetal Health & Safety

    The crosstalk between mother and fetus is significant, and we don’t undermine the many well-designed parts of mammalian reproduction. But a human designer can do better. And in examining the inadequacies, one realizes there are many aspects of human reproduction that could easily be improved upon. Are fetuses safe, climbing stairs ensconced in their mothers? No.

    “The womb is a dark and dangerous place, a hazardous environment,” notes Joseph Fletcher, PhD., University of Virginia Medicine. Fetuses are 100% dependent on their mother’s health and sensible judgement; if Mom falls prey to accidents, disease, drug addiction, alcoholism, chemical pollutants, cigarette smoke, or inadequate nutrition, the helpless embryo inside gets traumatized, perhaps irreparably. Forty thousand children per year are born in the USA with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, for example. Traditional delivery also has dangers—like strangling in the umbilical cord—that would be avoided if infants were “hatched” out of synthetic eggs.

    Incubation in artificial wombs is immeasurably safer: perfect-balanced doses of nutrients can be provided to the “hydroponic” womb, with all dangerous toxins excluded. The concern that fetuses will be deprived of emotional development if they are physically isolated from their mothers is also unwarranted. We believe artificial wombs equipped with electronic programming can transmit parent’s personalities and emotions via vocal recordings, movement, and other sensations. The developing infant can be maintained around-the-clock in a safe environment that remains connected to the mother electronically.

    Babies for Everyone

    Artificial wombs will allow all humans to have as many children as they wish. Infertile couples, women who lost their wombs to disease, and the elderly all can join parental ranks with ectogenesis.  Gays and lesbians—with stem cell advancement—also will be able to create children using only their own genomes via “female sperm” and “male eggs.” Former IEET Fellow Athena Andreadis has noted, “all parents will become fathers, biologically, psychologically, and, possibly, culturally,” with ectogenesis because, “women will be able to have as many children as men, even multiplets without the severe problems of extreme prematurity now inherent in such a choice.”

    Female Careers Go Forward

    With artificial wombs, mothers-to-be can skip maternity leaves, and certain physical vocations—like athletics and dance—will not be impacted because health won’t be compromised. Women’s competitiveness in certain areas—like politics and high finance—would subsequently accelerate. Shulamith Firestone opined that “once women break free from the tyranny of their reproductive biology, they could achieve full equality with men.”

    Balanced Parental Roles

    Mothers today often feel that they have invested and suffered the most to “bear fruit” and are therefore entitled to leadership roles in parenting. Artificial wombs would equalize the roles that males and females perform in reproduction, and, thus, the subsequent responsibilities. Postpartum depression that afflicts 10-20% of new mothers could be eliminated, as well as postpartum psychosis that troubles nearly 1 in 1,000. Andreadis also notes, “women will not undergo the hormonal changes of pregnancy, which means they will be as much (or as little) emotionally invested in their offspring as men.”

    Genetic Therapy

    With fetuses conveniently kept in artificial wombs in medical laboratories, there would be easy access to genetically engineered improvement.  Mutations in the embryos could be corrected, and dangerous genetic disorders—like Huntington’s Disease—could be detected immediately.

    Sexual Freedom

    Human erotic enjoyment is all-too-often ruined by the threat of pregnancy. “Births” could take place solely via artificial wombs with our eggs and sperm harvested in early adolescence, and natural pregnancy reliably prevented.

    We can expect resistance to artificial wombs, but we can also expect welcomed adoption. Arthur Caplan—a prominent bioethicist on the IEET’s Board of Trustees—has argued in a New York Times interview that “there will be a movement afoot which says all this is unnecessary and unnatural…that the way to have babies is sex and the random lottery.” Will there also be insistence that it be available? Yes. “Demand is hard to predict, but I’ll say significant,” says Caplan.

    Artificial uteri aren’t arriving tomorrow—researchers at Cornell University and Juntendo University (Tokyo) have discovered that duplicating the womb’s abilities is immensely challenging. Caplan’s estimate in the NYT interview is that development arrives decades from now—around 2055. Athena Andreadis concurs with this prediction, and, she believes, “none of the required research will be conducted in the United States, for political/religious reasons.” Miodrag Stojkovic, stem cell biologist in Valencia, Spain, also regards development of artificial wombs as more than three decades away.
    Sooner or later, though, it will happen.

    The iconic oval shape is rolling back to us, and why not? We need not always look forward in contemplating desired futures—recreating traits from our evolutionary past are also appealing. Futurist technology, we think, is about choosing what is ideal, even if that means looking backwards.

    30/5/11 - 32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid

    The American Dream

    Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a futuristic “big brother” control grid where everything they do is watched, recorded, tracked and tightly controlled?  Well, that is exactly where things are headed.  We witnessed some really bad totalitarian regimes during the 20th century, but what is coming is going to be far more restrictive than any of the despots of the past ever dreamed was possible.  Today, nearly every government on earth is tightening their grip on their citizens.  Paranoia has become standard operating procedure all over the planet and nobody is to be trusted.  Global politicians will give speeches about liberty and freedom even as they undermine them at every turn.  There are very, very few nations on the planet where liberty and freedom are increasing.  Instead, almost everywhere you turn the “control grid” is getting tighter.  Governments don’t want us gathering together and interacting with one another.  Instead, they want us to work our tails off to support the system, they want us enslaved financially and constantly drowning in debt, and they want us addicted to television and other forms of entertainment.  They want us as numb and docile as possible.  Meanwhile, all over the globe they continue to construct a futuristic “big brother” control grid that will ensure that they will always be able to control us.
    Sadly, this is not the plot to some post-apocalyptic science fiction movie.
    This is really happening.
    When you read the list below, each of the 32 signs may not seem to be all that significant individually.  However, when they are all taken together, they paint a truly frightening picture….
    #1 The days of the free and open Internet are slowly coming to an end.  Many nations around the world have implemented strict Internet censorship and many other nations are moving in that direction.  With each passing year the level of freedom on the Internet diminishes.
    Regulation of the Internet has even become a primary topic of discussion at G-8 meetings.  According to The New York Times, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is leading the charge for a more “civilized Internet”….
    Leaders of the Group of 8 industrialized countries are set to issue a provocative call for stronger Internet regulation, a cause championed by the host of the meeting, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, but fiercely opposed by some Internet companies and free-speech groups.
    Why are free speech groups strongly opposing what Sarkozy is trying to do?
    It is because western governments want to kill liberty and freedom on the Internet just like China is doing.  The Internet has been a great tool for waking people up and distributing information, and the control freaks that want to run all of our lives do not like that one bit.
    #2 Internet censorship in China, the largest nation on earth, is absolutely brutal. The Chinese government blocks any websites that talk about such topics as the Dalai Lama, the 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen Square protesters and Falun Gong.
    Even web searches for the English word “freedom” are blocked.
    #3 Starting next year, all new cellphones will be required to contain a chip that will allow the president to broadcast “emergency alerts” to the cellphones whenever the president wants.  Cellphone users will not be allowed to opt out of the presidential messages.
    The following is how a CBS news report describes the new system….
    A new national alert system is set to begin in New York City that will alert the public to emergencies via cell phones.
    It’s called the Personal Localized Alert Network or PLAN. Presidential and local emergency messages as well as Amber Alerts would appear on cell phones equipped with special chips and software.
    #4 The U.K. has more surveillance cameras per citizen than anywhere else in the world. In fact, according to one estimate, there are 4.8 million video cameras constantly watching every move citizens make.
    #5 A “certified TSA official” was brought in to oversee student searches at the Santa Fe High School prom last weekend.
    Will this kind of thing soon be happening at every high school in America?
    #6 The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending huge amounts of money to install surveillance cameras in the cafeterias of public schools so that government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating.
    The following is how a recent article posted on Infowars.com describes this new program….
    Billed as part of an effort to reduce obesity and improve eating habits, small cameras are programmed to take snapshots of lunch trays before and after each student eats. Each child is uniquely identifiable via a barcode attached to the tray. The amount of calories and nutrients that each child has consumed is then calculated via a database containing 7,500 different varieties of food.
    #7 The EU is spending hundreds of millions of euros on propaganda campaigns in an attempt to convince the citizens of Europe that the EU is good for them.
    #8 Today, FBI surveillance teams regularly employ warrantless GPS trackingto monitor the movements of peaceful activists – even if they are not suspected of ever committing a crime.  The Obama administration is fighting in court to keep this practice legal.
    #9 According to FBI Director Robert Mueller, “homegrown terrorists”represent as big a threat to American national security as al-Qaeda does.
    #10 Federal VIPR teams are establishing a series of “internal checkpoints” all across the United States.  The following is how a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson described these VIPR team activities….
    The TSA has announced its intention to expand the VIPR program to include roadside inspections of commercial vehicles, setting up a network of internal checkpoints and rolling out security procedures already active in airports, bus terminals and subway stations to roads and highways across the United States.
    By the way, who in the world decided that it would be a good idea to call them “VIPR teams”?
    What is next?  Are we going to find out that the TSA has hired Cobra Commander and Destro as consultants?
    #11 Thousands of “dysfunctional” families in the U.K. are being subjected to intensive 24-hour surveillance to make sure that their children attend school, go to bed on time and eat proper meals.
    #12 U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer says that Amtrak should have a “no ride list” similar to the “no fly list” used at U.S. airports.
    Before you can get on an airplane today, your name is checked to make sure that it is not on any international watch lists.
    So what do you have to do to get on an international watch list?
    Nobody really knows.
    What is next?
    A “no breathe list”?
    #13 U.K. authorities are now admitting that every phone call, text message, email and website visit made by private citizens will be stored for one year and will be available for monitoring by government agencies.
    #14 The amount of cell phone surveillance that goes on is absolutely staggering.  For example, one German politician named Malte Spitz recently went to court to force Deutsche Telekom to reveal how often his cell phone was being tracked.  What he found out was absolutely amazing.  It turns out that in just one 6 month period, Deutsche Telekom recorded the longitude and latitude coordinates of his cell phone 35,000 times.
    #15 DARPA has now developed new video surveillance technology that many are warning will bring about the end of public anonymity.  The following is how the ExtremeTech blog is describing this new technology….
    To be in public is to be on camera, but most video footage is discarded, as only so much can be sorted and analyzed — until now. DARPA has created a technology that can index and analyze video in real-time, marking the end of anonymity in public places.
    #16 In the U.K., it is now illegal to photograph the police for any reason whatsoever.
    #17 Police in the U.K. have purchased software that will enable them to easily follow the “digital footprints” of virtually anyone.  The following is how one recent news report in the U.K. described this new software….
    The Metropolitan Police has bought Geotime, a security programme used by the U.S. military which tracks suspects’ movements and communications and displays them on a three-dimensional graphic.
    The software aggregates information gathered from social networking sites, GPS devices like the iPhone, mobile phones, financial transactions and IP network logs to build a detailed picture of an individual’s movements.
    #18 In Tacoma, Washington a seventh grade student was recently questioned by the Secret Service about a message that he posted on his Facebook page.
    Be very careful about what you put up on Facebook or Twitter.  The entire world can see it.
    #19 According to the ACLU, state police in Michigan are using “extraction devices” to download data from the cellphones of motorists that they pull over.  This is taking place even if those pulled over are not accused of doing anything wrong.
    The following is how an article on CNET News describes the capabilities of these “extraction devices”….
    The devices, sold by a company called Cellebrite, can download text messages, photos, video, and even GPS data from most brands of cell phones. The handheld machines have various interfaces to work with different models and can even bypass security passwords and access some information.
    #20 Last year, one shocking poll found that 51 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “It is necessary to give up some civil liberties in order to make the country safe from terrorism.”
    #21 The MPAA and RIAA have submitted their master plan for enforcing copyright rights to the new Office of Intellectual Property Enforcement and it includes installing spyware on everyone’s computers that would detect and delete any infringing materials.
    #22 The U.K.’s new Internet law includes a “three strikes” rule that allows your entire family to be cut off from the Internet if anyone who lives in your house is accused of copyright infringement – without proof or evidence or trial.
    #23 Would you like to have your face scanned and your ID recorded every time you attend a public event?  Don’t laugh.  The San Francisco Entertainment Commission is actually proposing a new rule which “would require all venues with an occupancy of over 100 people to record the faces of all patrons and employees and scan their ID’s for storage in a database which they must hand over to law enforcement on request.”
    #24 Today, the U.S. government and governments all over the industrialized world have become so obsessed with reducing carbon emissions that now they even tell us what kinds of light bulbs we are allowed to buy.
    #25 The Obama administration is developing a universal “Internet ID” program that would watch, track, monitor and potentially control your activity on the Internet. These “trusted identities” are being touted as a way to increase safety and security on the Internet and as a way to eliminate the need for dozens of different usernames and passwords.
    #26 As I have written about previously, the “Internet kill switch” is rapidly becoming one of the favorite new tools of tyrannical governments all over the globe….
    Once upon a time, the Internet was a bastion of liberty and freedom, but now nation after nation is cracking down on it. In fact, legislation has been introduced once again in Congress that would give the president of the United States an “Internet kill switch” that he would be able to use in the event of war or emergency. Of course there would be a whole lot of wiggle room in determining what actually constitutes a true “emergency”. The members of Congress that are pushing this “Internet kill switch” bill want the U.S. to become more like China in this regard.
    #27 A shocking document released by Wikileaks proves that high level U.S. government officials have been pushing for North American integration.  According to the document, some of the goals of this integration would be to turn North America into an economic zone similar to the EU, to have one common currency for the entire continent and to have one common “security perimeter” for the entire continent.
    Let us hope that a plan like this never comes to pass.
    #28 One of the most liberty-killing pieces of legislation in recent years was the Patriot Act.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of Republicans and the vast majority of Democrats will never vote against the renewal of the Patriot Act because they don’t want to look “soft” on terrorism.
    About the only U.S. Senator to stand up against the Patriot Act is Rand Paul.  He is doing all he can to fight a one man battle against the Patriot Act but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is doing his best to extend the Patriot Actwithout any debate taking place.
    Top Democrats are attempting to claim that even debating the renewal of Patriot Act provisions would “endanger” national security.
    Of course most Republicans are not going to stand in the way because they absolutely love the Patriot Act.
    If you still believe that the Patriot Act is a good idea, you should watch this video, and you should read this recent article.
    #29 If you display the wrong political message on your car, you may find law enforcement officials cracking down on you.
    A 73-year-old Virginia resident was recently kicked out of a national park for displaying a sticker promoting “Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty” on his car.
    The Rutherford Institute has come to the defense of a 73-year-old Virginia resident who was allegedly ordered by a park ranger to remove his car from a national military park in South Carolina because of political messages attached to his vehicle. Jack Faw, whose ancestors fought in the historic battle memorialized at Kings Mountain National Military Park, contacted The Rutherford Institute after being told by a park ranger that the decal promoting a political organization associated with Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), which was displayed on the back window of Faw’s car, was not allowed in the park.
    #30 Brutal crowd control techniques are not just for major events anymore. Recently, riot police in Illinois used tear gas, LRAD sound weapons and crowd suppression tactics against a bunch of college students that were just blowing off some steam at a year-end block party at Western Illinois University.
    #31 The U.S. government is gathering more information on all of us than ever before.  According to a recent article in the Baltimore Sun, every six hours the volume of information that the NSA gathers is equivalent to the entire Library of Congress.
    Nobody is anonymous anymore.  The truth is that the U.S. government, governments across the globe and major international corporations have more information about you than you probably ever dared to imagine.
    #32 If you think things are bad now, just wait until you see what global authorities have planned for the future.
    Are you ready to live in a “Planned-opolis”?  Are you ready to use a “calorie card” and to have what you eat determined by a “global food council”?
    The following video was originally produced by the Forum for the Future, a major NGO funded by big corporations such as Time Warner and Royal Dutch Shell.  In this video, the Forum for the Future presents their chilling version of the future….
    If you don’t want to live in a “Planned-opolis” where everything you do is constantly watched, tracked and controlled by a horde of bureaucrats then you better say something now.
    The entire globe is moving in the direction of totalitarianism.  Our world is literally becoming a prison grid.  Of course those in power say that we need more regulation and more control “for the good of humanity”, but that has never worked out too well in the past, now has it?
    If you don’t like the direction this world is headed then now is the time to stand up and let your voice be heard.  If you wait until they are ripping the last shreds of liberty and freedom away from you it will be too late.

    30/5/11 - Germany E.coli cucumber death toll rises to 14

    A man selects a cucumber at a vegetable stall at Naschmarkt food market in Vienna  
    Reuters – A man selects a cucumber at 
    a vegetable stall at Naschmarkt food market in Vienna May 30, 2011. REUTERS/Herwig …
    BERLIN (Reuters) – An E. coli outbreak linked to contaminated cucumbers that has killed 14 people and made more than 300 seriously ill in Germany has spread to other north European countries and is expected to worsen in the coming week.

    "We hope that the number of cases will go down but we fear that it will worsen," said Oliver Grieve, spokesman for the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein in north Germany, where many of those afflicted are being treated.

    The source of the virulent strain of the bacteria is unknown, German authorities said on Monday ahead of a crisis meeting of federal and state officials in Berlin. Most of the deaths have been in northern Germany.
    The E. coli pathogen has been identified on cucumbers imported from Spain but it is unclear if they were contaminated there, during transport or in Germany.

    There are 36 cases of suspected E. coli in Sweden, all linked to travel in northern Germany, authorities said. A small number of cases have been reported in Britain, Denmark, France and the Netherlands, all linked with travel to Germany.

    The German government has identified the pathogen as hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), a serious complication of a type of E. coli known as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), and said it had killed 14 people and made at least 329 ill.

    The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said in a risk assessment that the HUS/STEC outbreak is one the largest in the world of its kind.

    HUS affects the blood, kidneys and, in severe cases, the nervous system and can be particularly serious for children and the elderly. Some 60 cases of HUS are reported annually in Germany, the government said.
    Grieve said his hospital had 82 cases of HUS and 115 confirmed E. coli cases, and said the number of cases there had doubled within the past few days.
    The northern port city of Hamburg alone has reported 488 cases of E. coli since the outbreak began in mid-May and has 94 cases of HUS.
    A hospital in the city said it was transferring patients with less serious illnesses to other clinics to cope with the flood of HUS patients.
    Spain meanwhile said on Monday it was mulling taking action over Spanish cucumbers being blamed for the outbreak.

    "There is no proof of this and so we will demand explanations from who has attributed this matter to Spain," Diego Lopez Garrido, secretary of state for the European Union, told journalists.
    Horticultural farms in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia have been losing 7-8 million euros a day since German authorities linked the bacteria to Spanish cucumbers last week.
    German authorities have warned consumers to avoid eating cucumbers, lettuces and tomatoes and have ordered some products removed from store shelves.

    "As long as the experts in Germany and Spain have not been able to name the source of the agent without any doubt, the general warning for vegetables still holds," German Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner said on Sunday.

    Authorities in Sweden have warned Swedes traveling to north Germany to steer clear of cucumbers, tomatoes and salad.
    Austria's food safety agency ordered a recall of organically grown cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplant supplied by a Spanish producer thought to be the source of the outbreak. It said 33 Austrian stores were affected.
    (Additional reporting by Sylvia Westall in Vienna and Simon Johnson in Stockholm, Iciar Reinlein in Madrid ; editing by Matthew Jones)

    Sunday, 29 May 2011

    29/5/11 - Pro-life groups call for Pepsi boycott over aborted fetal cell lines

    LARGO, Florida, May 26, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Scores of prolife groups are calling for a public boycott of food giant, PepsiCo, due to its partnership with Senomyx, a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells in the research and development of artificial flavor enhancers.
    LifeSiteNews previously reported on Senomyx’s partnership with major food corporations, most notably PepsiCo, Kraft Foods, and Nestlé. 

    Pro-life watchdog group, Children of God for Life (CGL), is now joined by major pro-life organizations calling upon the public to target PepsiCo in a boycott.

    Pepsi is funding the research and development, and paying royalties to Senomyx, which uses HEK-293 (human embryonic kidney cells) to produce flavor enhancers for Pepsi beverages.

    “Using isolated human taste receptors we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor,” says the Senomyx website.

    “What they do not tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors,” stated Debi Vinnedge, President for CGL, the watch dog group that has been monitoring the use of aborted fetal material in medical products and cosmetics for years.

    The aborted fetal cells are not in the product itself. However, “there are many options PepsiCo could be using instead of aborted fetal cells,” noted Vinnedge.
    The revelation about Senomyx’s research techniques motivated Campbell Soup to sever all relations with Senomyx.

    However, PepsiCo continues their business relationship despite the abortion connection. They drew pubic ire earlier this year when they responded, saying, “our collaboration with Senomyx is strictly limited to creating lower-calorie, great-tasting beverages for consumers.”
    When pressed further, PepsiCo sent out a form letter response saying they had been accused of conducting aborted fetal tissue research.

    Bradley Mattes, executive director of Life Issues Institute, said, “While aborted fetal cells aren’t actually in the product itself, the close relationship is enough to repulse most consumers.  To our knowledge, this is the first time a food product has been publicly associated with abortion.”
    The pro-life groups noted that additional companies collaborating with Senomyx will be targeted for boycott next.

    The pro-life organizations are asking the public to boycott all Pepsi drink products and encourage consumers to contact Pepsi management requesting that they sever all ties with Senomyx.
    For a list of Pepsi Beverages included in the boycott: http://pepsico.com/Brands/Pepsi_Cola-Brands.html

    To Contact PepsiCo:

    Jamie Caulfield, Sr. VP
    PepsiCo, Inc.
    700 Anderson Hill Road
    Purchase, NY 10577
    (914) 253-2000
    Email form.
    Edmund M. Carpenter, Chair, Corporate Development
    Campbell Soup
    1 Campbell Place
    Camden, NJ 08103-1701
    Email form

    Pro-life groups joining CGL in the boycott to date are:  Life Issues Institute, American Life League,  Colorado Right to Life, American Right to Life, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, ALL Arizona, Central Nebraskans for Life, Pro-Life Waco, Houston Coalition for Life, Mother and Unborn Baby Fox Valley, Womankind, Billboards for Life, Movement for a Better America, Defenders of the Unborn, Focus Pregnancy Help Center, Idaho Chooses Life, EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers of NY, Four Seasons for Life, CREDO,  Life Choices, STOPP Dallas, CA Right To Life, Human Life Alliance, International Right to Life Federation, Operation Rescue, Pro-Life Nation, LifeNews.com, and Mary’s Outreach for Women.

    29/5/11 - 7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned

    © Activist Post
    The objectivism of the scientific method seems to have been hijacked by corporations who often pay for scientists to support their products, as well as politicians who move through the revolving door between the private and public sector. Even worse is that sometimes the consumer protection agencies themselves are complicit.

    The trust placed by consumers in scientific studies and Federal oversight committees has been violated in service to profit so that products are allowed to enter the marketplace with reduced safety standards. The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being. Volumes can be written - indeed have been written - by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health. The categories below are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues.

      © Activist Post
    1. GMO foods - Monsanto started as a chemical company that brought the world poisons like Agent Orange and Roundup. Now they are more well known for their domination of Genetically Modified agriculture, owning nearly 90% of staple GMO crops such as corn, soy, and cotton. In independent studies GMO "frankenfood" has been linked to organ failure, and a recent Russian study has concluded near-total sterility in GMO-soy-fed hamsters by the third generation. Despite these and many other legitimate health concerns, it is unlikely that the Monsanto-controlled FDA will curb the growth of GMO foods, while the USDA's biotechnology risk assessment research arm has a paltry $3 million at its disposal. Of course the industry-funded studies show that the effects GMO on human health are "negligible."
    2. Food additives - When most of us think of harmful food additives we think of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) which is still in many processed foods, but unfortunately MSG appears to be the least of the poisons now found in our food. In 2008 Melamine was found in infant formula and some food products from China; the FDA went on record to say it was OK, despite sickening tens of thousands. Dangerous food additives appear in nearly all processed foods with even the most common food dyes Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 being linked to cancer. Most recently 92,000 pounds of frozen chicken was recalled because it contained "blue plastic pieces," while McDonald's Chicken McNuggets have been found to have "silly putty" chemicals in them. In fact, some researchers estimate that today's chicken is so full of chemicals that it only contains 51% actual meat.
    3. © Activist Post
    4. Fluoride - Not all fluoride is bad; only the type promoted by dentistry and added to our water and food supply. Calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, while its synthetic counterpart, sodium fluoride (silicofluoride), is an industrial-grade hazardous waste material made during the production of fertilizer. It's past history includes patented use as rat poison and insecticide. There are many blind- and double-blind studies that show sodium fluoride has a cumulative effect on the human body leading to allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, bone weakening, cancer, and neurological problems. In this case, the EPA's Union of scientists issued a white paper condemning fluoridation of drinking water. However, as a hazardous waste, it is extremely expensive to dispose of as such. And here might be a clue as to why this chemical, more toxic than lead and almost on par with arsenic, has been disposed of for our consumption.
    5. Mercury - A dangerous heavy metal in its natural quicksilver form, but more so as the neurotoxin, methylmercury, released into the environment by human activity. In both organic and inorganic form, mercury wreaks havoc with the nervous system - especially the developing nervous system of a fetus. It penetrates all living cells of the human body, and has been documented most as increasing the risk for autism. This calls into question mercury's use in dental fillings, vaccines, and just about anything containing high fructose corn syrup - a near staple in the American diet . . . including baby food. But the Corn Refiners Association naturally supports this chemical that is "dangerous at any level."
    6. © Activist Post
    7. Aspartame - The king of artificial sweeteners was allowed to the market in 1981 when the U.S. Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Arthur Hull Hayes, overruled FDA panel suggestions, as well as consumer concerns. Aspartame is a neurotoxin that interacts with natural organisms, as well as synthetic medications, producing a wide range of proven disorders and syndromes. So who installed this commissioner that would rule against scientists and the public? Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of G.D. Searle; the maker of Aspartame. Rumsfeld was on Reagan's transition team, and the day after Reagan took office he appointed the new FDA Commissioner in order to "call in his markers" with one of the most egregious cases of profit-over-safety ever recorded. Aspartame is now nearly ubiquitous, moving beyond sugarless products and into general foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and even products for children. It recently has been renamed to the more pleasant sounding AminoSweet.
    8. Personal care and cleaning products - Everyday household items and cosmetic products are applied directly to the skin, absorbed through the scalp, and inhaled. The Story of Cosmetics uses an animated video to tell a haunting tale of industrial violations and complicit "public safety" groups . . . and still only tells half of that story. The list of common products and their chemical components is encyclopedic. The sum total of the overwhelming presence of these chemicals has been linked to nearly every allergy, chronic affliction, and disease known to man. Most recently, household cleaning products have been linked to breast cancer and ADHD in children.
    9. © Activist Post
    10. Airborne pollutants - In a NASA article titled "Airborne Pollutants Know No Borders" they stated that, "Any substance introduced into the atmosphere has the potential to circle the Earth." The jet stream indeed connects all of us. There is one category of airborne pollution that has been conspiracy theory despite a voluminous number of unclassified documents from 1977 Senate hearings: chemical spraying (chemtrails) by both private and commercial aircraft. Recent admissions by public officials strengthen the case. Fallout from these chemical trails has been tested and shows very high levels of barium and aluminum. Interesting to note that Monsanto announced that they recently developed an aluminum-resistant gene to be introduced. Chemtrails might seem like abject paranoia, but there is a current example of chemical spraying that is undeniable: the spraying of Corexit oil dispersant over the Gulf. This process of aerial application can be likened to crop-dusting, which we know has been going on for nearly 100 years. Wars abroad even seem to be affecting global air quality, as military munitions such as depleted uranium have entered the upper atmosphere, spreading around the planet. The observable effects of depleted uranium are not pleasant. Airborne pollutants have been linked to allergies, genetic mutations, and infertility.

    This is all leading to scientific, governmental, and medical management of the health and rights of the individual. It is ironic (or coincidental) that when one becomes sick due to the unnatural products listed above, the mainstream medical establishment aims to treat the afflictions with more unnatural chemicals. Furthermore, some of the people at high levels of American government and academia such as John P. Holdren, the current White House Science Czar, have advocated population control via "pollution particles" as far back as 1977 in books such as Ecoscience. Holdren's views of humanity could make one question the intentionality of the poisons in our environment.