We read in Revelation about things that must happen in the Last Days:

Rev 13:15-18 And there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might both speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, (17) even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. (18) Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

This Blog deals with the Mark of the Beast and to link current world events and Technology with end time prophecy to see where we stand in regarding to the return of Jesus Christ / Messiah Yeshua.

We will look at technology that supports this passage as well as the "changing" of humanity through Transhumanism and population reduction and how technology and food engineering help the elite to reach their goal of 500 Mil people on he Earth.

Friday 13 May 2011

11/5/11 - DARPA's Automated Video Surveillance Will End Public Anonymity

Editor's Note: This is actually nothing compared to the nano-based surveillance initiative -- also brought to us by our own tax dollars sent to DARPA -- but it serves as yet more evidence that all of the data collection is more about behavior prediction than the investigation of crimes committed.

Evan Dashevsky
Extreme Tech

To be in public is to be on camera, but most video footage is discarded, as only so much can be sorted and analyzed -- until now. DARPA has created a technology that can index and analyze video in real-time, marking the end of anonymity in public places.

In 2008, DARPA, the US military's elite group of pocket protector warriors, began soliciting the tech industry to develop technologies that would allow computers to sort through and index surveillance footage from the military's fleet of drones, satellites, and miscellaneous other super secret spy cameras.

This was all part of the Agency's proposed Video Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool (VIRAT) that would be able to describe specific human activities in real-time. This automated index would allow for searchable queries (i.e. "how often did an adult male taller than six-foot get in a car in the early morning between November 1st and December 22nd in this compound in Abbottabad?") or flag behavior such as when someone carries a large package towards a car on the side of a road in Basra, but walked away empty handed.

And it appears that DARPA has had some success to this end.

Earlier this week, the military released a mandated contract announcement describing how the VIRAT system will be deployed into various military-intelligence video archives and systems. The contract will be fulfilled by Lockheed Martin for an unspecified amount. We haven't been given any detailed information on how this new technology works or how accurate it is, only that a belt-tightening defense industry is willing to invest in it.

The military has an inherent interest in transferring surveillance duties from human eyeballs to an algorithm that can't be swayed by political pressure. In the run-up to the Iraq invasion, human analysts famously misread surveillance footage as proof of Iraqi WMDs. (The problem with relying on flawed human analysis in order to support policy was described in depth in Malcolm Gladwell's essay collection What The Dog Saw). The military already has the tools to capture a torrent of information (and as the truism goes the wars of the future will be won and lost with intelligence) but now it is developing the means to sort through it.

As with many DARPA projects, the technology will eventually filter down into commercial industry and then finally to consumers.

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