We read in Revelation about things that must happen in the Last Days:

Rev 13:15-18 And there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might both speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, (17) even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. (18) Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

This Blog deals with the Mark of the Beast and to link current world events and Technology with end time prophecy to see where we stand in regarding to the return of Jesus Christ / Messiah Yeshua.

We will look at technology that supports this passage as well as the "changing" of humanity through Transhumanism and population reduction and how technology and food engineering help the elite to reach their goal of 500 Mil people on he Earth.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

7/6/11 - Mind Control "virus" cures Religious People's Beliefs

Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations & Aerosol Spraying!

This is a lecture by an unidentified scientist given to DoD officials inside the Pentagon. It is dated 4-13-05 – about a year after the “God Gene” was first discovered. The scientist describes a plan to alter the “God Gene” in the Middle Easter Population in order to end the turmoil in that region. I acquired the video through an unknown source and from my knowledge, connections and experience as part of a unit called combat camera, I have verified it to be authentic.

Genospirituality: genetic engineering for spiritual and religious enhancement.


The most frequently discussed role for genetic engineering is in relation to medicine, and a second area which provokes discussion is the use of genetic engineering as an enhancement technology. But one neglected area is the potential use of genetic engineering to increase human spiritual and religious experience – or genospirituality. If technologies are devised which can conveniently and safely engineer genes causal of spiritual and religious behaviours, then people may become able to choose their degree of religiosity or spiritual sensitivity. For instance, it may become possible to increase the likelihood of direct religious experience – i.e. ‘revelation’: the subjective experience of communication from the deity. Or, people may be able to engineer ‘animistic’ thinking, a mode of cognition in which the significant features of the world – such as large animals, trees, distinctive landscape features – are regarded as sentient and intentional beings; so that the individual experiences a personal relationship with the world. Another potentially popular spiritual ability would probably be shamanism; in which states of altered consciousness (e.g. trances, delirium or dreams) are induced and the shaman may undergo the experience of transformations, ‘soul journeys’ and contact with a spirit realm. Ideally, shamanistic consciousness could be modulated such that trances were self-induced only when wanted and when it was safe and convenient; and then switched-off again completely when full alertness and concentration are necessary. It seems likely that there will be trade-offs for increased spirituality; such as people becoming less ‘driven’ to seek status and monetary rewards – as a result of being more spiritually fulfilled people might work less hard and take more leisure. On the other hand, it is also possible that highly moral, altruistic, peaceable and principled behaviours might become more prevalent; and the energy and joyousness of the best churches might spread and be strengthened. Overall, genospirituality would probably be used by people who were unable to have the kind of spiritual or religious experiences which they wanted (or perhaps even needed) in order to lead the kind of life to which they aspired.

Interview With Joey Lambardi About The Fundamentalism Vaccine (FunVax)

The following is an interview with Whistle Blower Joey Lambardi.  It was recorded over the phone at 1:32 pm April 23rd, 2011 and transcribed by volunteers at the FunVax blog.
(FunVax blog) What is your background?

(Joey Lambardi) Well, I grew up in New York.  Always was into film, ever since I was a little kid.  I lived in the same Neighborhood as Martin Scorsese, so I think that had a big influence on me – being Italian American and being into film.   I can point out the house that Scorsese grew up in.  Christmas Eve one year, I remember sitting in the living room with my mom and step dad and their friends watching Good Fellas.  I begged my parents from that point on for a camcorder.  I didn’t get one until my birthday two years later.  There is something about film and Italians, I don’t know what it is, but we go together like cheese and honey.  So, yeah, I started making these little videos with a Hi-8 camera and editing them on my parents VHS machine.  Then things just progressed.  When I graduated High School, I wasn’t interested in college or anything.  So, I joined the military.  I didn’t know they did video stuff in the military, but after talking with a recruiter I learned that they do.  So I signed up for a unit called Combat Camera.  And I did that for six years, well about six years, a little shy of six years.  That changed, you know, when I got leaked this information about FunVax.

(FB) And how exactly did that happen, how did you get that information?

(JL) I was on this assignment that seemed really bizarre.  It just didn’t make any sense, you know?  I was told that I was to document a war hero’s return home from Iraq.  That was it – simple right?  But the normal chain of command was altered.  In this case, the first time in six years, I was to report to a CIA named agent Fleming as well as Army Col. Harris who from what I gather was a big wig intel guy at the pentagon.  So, that was weird, especially for such a boring sounding assignment.  It got weirder when I was mailed a package that contained a DVD and a stack of documents.  There were a lot of things blacked out, but it was all stuff related to FunVax.  The package was address to me, it was sent to the house where I where I was, you know, videotaping, the family that I was documenting.

(FB) Can you tell us about the videos?

(JL) Sure.  There were two videos actually.  One looked like a homemade amateur video that was of a party in a common area, like a lunch room or something.  There’s a cake that says “FunVax is a Go” on it and there was a sign that said Congratulations FunVax.  But that was all the funvax related information.  It was just a normal party, the people were talking about normal things.  The second video was a lot more informative.  It was DoD footage from a lecture hall in the pentagon.  The video was date stamped 4/13/05 so someone was holding onto this for awhile.  I received it, the second week of February of this year.  So, on it, it had one of the guys from the other video, the party video, giving a presentation.  I just have an 8 minute clip from this presentation, but basically, this guy, he must be a scientist.  This guy is giving a lecture about the brain and a gene called VMAT2 to a group of men in suits as well as various military uniforms.   He talks about religion and was showing MRI brain scans.  He said that the inhibition of VMAT2 could, over time, cause a persons brain to shift from a religious brain structure, they scientifically, you know they call it phenotype…but basically, you can change a religious brain to a non-religious brain structure.  VMAT2 is apparently the scientific name for what people term the God Gene.    At the end of the clip he says that he filed a proposal under the name FunVax to begin experimenting with the VMAT2 gene with the goal of creating a virus, like the flu virus, that will remove or replace this gene from people in the Middle East.  Their goal of course was to create peace in the Middle East.

(FB) What about the files?

(JL) I have the original proposal from 2005.  A quarter of it has been blacked out, but its easy to understand the point of it.  It was a classified research proposal.  The most important thing it has in it is this flow chart detailing the bench marks for the project.  It started with putting a non-religious version of VMAT2 gene into bacteria – a process that is apparently called cloning.  It went from there to tests in cell culture and then safety tests in mice then monkeys and then Gitmo detainees.  Once at the detainee level, the project is turned over to clinical lab who tests the detainees using brain scans to see if their response to reading scripture was similar to a non-religious person.  If the vaccine tested well in effectiveness and safety, then they planned on a small field test in Iraq and if it proves effective in the field, a wide spread inoculation would take place.  I also have a series of reports up until 2009.  These reports are, you know, reports about the progress of FunVax in this one particular lab.  It’s like a DoD update I guess.  I got about three of these.  The last one compares different strain of the virus they made.  There was hundreds of different versions, some appeared to be flops and from what I can tell, others were superstars.  And that was where my trail went dead.  I have no idea what happened after that, I mean, I have an idea you know, but I no evidence to prove it.

(FB) Who have you told about this?

(JL) I’m trying to spread the word, but at the moment I am AWOL, so it hasn’t been easy.  With all eyes on Wikileaks, I’m cautious of even contacting them.  So, I go through people I know personally, like you guys.  And thank you for all the effort you’re putting into this.  Its really great of you and I whole heartedly appreciate it.  But I plan on releasing all the information on this site and others that are being created on June 1st.  So, build as big of audience as possible and please if you’re reading this, tell others about it because freedom of choice is being stripped away from us little by little.  Today it’s people in the Middle East, but what will stop the government from doing this to us, or altering another gene that they find antagonistic to their goals.  We are at a cross roads here, you know?  The government has the technology to genetically engineer people.  They put whatever gene they want to mess with in a virus and infect whoever who ever they want.   Yeah sure today it is creating peace in the Middle East, but what is next?  Will it be us?  Is this what warfare is going to turn into, mass inoculations that change people’s behavior?  God forbid the American public stands up against this, they’ll probably release a virus for submissiveness and we’ll all fall in line like a bunch of sheep.  Of course, you know, this might not make even the slightest dent on the American…um…state of mind, but I need to try.  I need to do what I can and I am willing to risk my life for it.  So, please, if you don’t want the government playing God, please, please, please spread the word and hopefully your effort will help save us all.

(FB) What prove do you have that FunVax was even released?

(JL) I don’t have any prove.  All the information I have is at least two years old, half of it is over six years old.  But that is what they were planning – a massive gene therapy experiment.  And look at the Middle East now – Iraq has miraculously stabilized, The Iranian people stood up against the theocracy and now country after country in the Middle East is standing up for democracy.  They want to throw out the old rulers, the rules that use religion as a source of power.  People in the Middle East are standing up for democracy.  Is this a coincidence?  No.  This is part of their plan.  FunVax was systematically released in every country that they wanted to see changed.

(FB) Then why haven’t we seen peace in Afghanistan?

(JL) I’ve given this a lot of thought, but it really doesn’t need much thought.  The US wants to have a strong, active military presence in the Middle East you know?   There’s a lot of dramatic changes happening right now.  At this very moment.  As we see in Libya, these changes require the need for military action.  The political pressure was too strong against a long term strategy in Iraq you know?  You remember, I’m sure in 2008.  But Afghanistan is another story.  The US presence in Afghanistan is not about Afghanistan or Al Qaeda, it’s about stabilizing the whole region.  It borders the biggest Middle East threat, Iran, as well as the most dangerous nuclear power – Pakistan.  By having a strong fighting presence that borders these two countries, the US has pretty much neutralized these two threats.  Once democracy takes…becomes…takes a foothold in the Middle East, then we’ll see US bases in a lot of these countries and we’ll see agreements with newly elected leaders that are US friendly.  Once these agreements are in place, we’ll see a scale down in Afghanistan, you know, but not until then.  For sure, not until then.

(FB) All this sounds like a good thing.  Good for the US, good for the Middle East and good for the world.  Is this not the case?

(JL) Yeah, it sounds great.  People in the Middle East are throwing out dictators and are turning towards democracy.  Who could be against that?  It is wonderful and it is going to create a better, stronger and more stable Middle East.  But the end does not justify the means.  What will stop the government from doing this to its own people?  Religion is an important part of the human race, it benefits society in countless ways.  Every society has religion, there’s not one that doesn’t.  It builds community, it creates structure, it gives people hope, it creates a system of morals that are good to live by.  Take away religion from people and who know what the long terms consequences are, you know?  And just as important, like I said before, this is probably, most likely, the first of its kind, but now that it has been a success, what’s going to stop them from using this technology in the future?  Freedom of choice is being stripped away in 21st century style and if we continue down this path, there will be very bad and unfortunate consequences, there’s no doubt about it.  And that’s why I contacted you guys, to help with this, help spread the word and help our government from going down that very dangerous and very…um…very hazardous path.

(FB) So, what happens next?

(JL) As you know, I plan on giving you guys copies of what I have.  We need to do this from the ground up, purely grass roots style, you know?  Use facebook, twitter, everything at our disposal to get the word out.  Next week, the first FunVax protest will occur in Washington DC.  Then June 1st, I’ll send you copies of the video and pdf’s of the proposal.  Hopefully people will be listening and hopefully they’ll tell someone and that person will tell someone else and soon the government will shut down FunVax and stop using genetic engineering to fortify its foreign policy.

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