We read in Revelation about things that must happen in the Last Days:

Rev 13:15-18 And there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might both speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, (17) even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. (18) Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

This Blog deals with the Mark of the Beast and to link current world events and Technology with end time prophecy to see where we stand in regarding to the return of Jesus Christ / Messiah Yeshua.

We will look at technology that supports this passage as well as the "changing" of humanity through Transhumanism and population reduction and how technology and food engineering help the elite to reach their goal of 500 Mil people on he Earth.

Saturday 2 July 2011


By now most who read Truth Survival or any other website that reports on the truth should be aware of a global plan to take control of land, food, water, cities and more under the United Nation’s comprehension plan called Agenda 21. If not then you really should research this action plan which has slowly infiltrated into cities and counties all over the United States as well as the rest of the world. Imagine a world where you are prohibited to live in any geographic area unless it is a metropolis that is authorized under Agenda 21. This part of the plan is known as Smart Growth. It is the process of corralling the Product (Humans) into large cities and packed into high-rise living quarters where there are no private modes of transportation and you even live above or very close to where you work so as to be more easily shuffled into the sweat shop factory where you will simply do any work that has not been taken over by the Machine.
Recently I came across some articles on the latest going ons concerning this awful agenda that I will share with you all but before I do that I feel it is mandatory that the following information be reviewed. If you are not that familiar with Agenda 21 then I HIGHLY recommend you at the very least bookmark all of this information to research later.

Many say that Agenda 21 is not that bad… I think those people that say that have never read the Agenda 21 publications thoroughly. Here is your chance to do so in order to get the entire picture of what the Elite think is such a “great” idea.

HINT: Have a good look at Chapter 7.



Agenda 21 is one agenda with many tentacles attempting to strangle further freedom upon ALL of the Humans in the 178 countries who’s governments agreed upon this in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992. Oh yes…This agenda has been around for quite awhile. I am sure that there are more countries being subjected to this since that meeting. Many things take place when it comes to the agenda such as the EPA’s illegal land grabs of local companies and privately owned property. It also as I had said is implemented through Smart Growth so as to restrict where one can live. Even something that may seem as small as a city council making an outrageous law where locals MUST hand over a key to their business and home to the city is indeed just more of Agenda 21. Read more about the Cedar Falls Lock Box situation HERE. Furthermore in the United Police States of Unamerica we are seeing a slow transfer of regulation and power of transportation by means of government seizure under theDepartment of Transportation specifically focusing on railroad. How badly does the US government want a nationwide high speed meat wagon to truck all the drone worker Bees to their factories? Well that question is easily answered with just one example. The California knuckle draggers known as the State Senate a while back passed a budget to build a high speed rail system across the state. The project will cost billions in tax money which is such bullshit due to the fact that out of all US states and Territories, California ranks at the bottom in ALL economic standings. Californians like to call it “The train to nowhere”. What I find the most perplexing is that the first section of this rail is being built between two small very unknown farm towns in central California. Yet in one of the towns is a very large prison. Hmmm. The project was and still is having a lot of logistical issues which are preventing the progress of construction such as…money. The federal government caught wind of this and DEMANDED, literally, that California get the rail built yet they will not assist the state with funds. If you live in California then this is one Agenda 21 issue I encourage you look into further.


I have got to give credit to those researchers and reporters who have done such wonderful work covering the Agenda 21 matter. Their hard work is very much appreciated by me. Here is the latest news concerning Agenda 21 by these great people.


FINALLY! Here is some good news.

Here is some further information for you to have a look at.

Does that picture seem unrealistic to you? Think there is NO way it is plausible we could see that on U.S. soil? You might want to rethink that if you feel there is NO way possible. How do I know? I was part of a little exercise back in 2008 involving the Marine Corps under an operation only a few knew about. You can read about it in my False Flag Operation report. Scroll to the section just above the picture of Czar Obama. Read report HERE. Perhaps if anyone who may read this report lived in Pasadena, CA. during 2008, may have witnessed what took place on Colorado BLVD at the end of December. If so, I would like to hear from you. My reason for that is because since then I am told there has been a few more incidents in that area but I cannot confirm as of yet whether that is true.

Before I forget I wanted to provide my file on the United Nations which does include the entire Agenda 21 document.

Forbidden Vault file on United Nations

Much more could be discussed about Agenda 21 but then this report would never end. On top of that there are researchers out there who are FAR more knowledgeable about this agenda than I am. So I felt it would be good for you to hear it straight from them. It’s a lot of information but what you are about to watch is crucial for full understanding of how seriously dangerous this plan is.
Well that about does it for now. I certainly hope that this has been a good review and/or learning tool for all of you out there. When it comes to an agenda that is as large as this is, it is difficult to know where to begin how to take action against it. Sometimes the best course of action is direct reaction to these city council ordinances, State Bills, Executive Orders and any other supposed “law” being created to enforce Agenda 21. We need to stand our ground and hold accountable those who infringe upon our rights to live free as mandated under the US Constitution. For those who live in other countries they need to stand up for their sovereign rights as well. Agenda 21 is written with a lot of hot air and jargon that makes it appear to be sugar coated so as to give that warm fuzzy feeling to the world that THEY are only looking out for our good. What a bunch of BULLOCKS! These UN delegates live in a world of corruption and elitist fantasies that are slowly dying. That is not exactly a good thing for us because when the Controllers see they are losing ground they will become desperate. Desperation by the Controllers has caused the Pandora’s Box to be opened and they will throw everything at us in a last ditch effort to succeed. This can be used to benefit us if we use there self-destruction and determined greed against them.Time to turn the tables my fellow Humans.
Let the Elite know that Earth is not their planet anymore because the rise of the true Guardians is coming and coming fast.

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