We read in Revelation about things that must happen in the Last Days:

Rev 13:15-18 And there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might both speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (16) And it causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or in their foreheads, (17) even that not any might buy or sell except those having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. (18) Here is the wisdom. Let him having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

This Blog deals with the Mark of the Beast and to link current world events and Technology with end time prophecy to see where we stand in regarding to the return of Jesus Christ / Messiah Yeshua.

We will look at technology that supports this passage as well as the "changing" of humanity through Transhumanism and population reduction and how technology and food engineering help the elite to reach their goal of 500 Mil people on he Earth.

Saturday 2 July 2011



Is it just me or has this become a subject that has been almost forgotten and unspoken of? It seems these days the mind controlling distractions have allowed more and more for private institutions to run rampant with the blessing of the Global Elite to continue the evolution of all aspects of Transhumanism. Of course in the Truth Movement when it comes to Transhumanism the focus of attention is primarily on it’s Four Horsemen elements which consist of Virtual Reality, Cybernetics, Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology. But what about Cloning? The big to due and controversy at one time was Human Stem Cell research which caused an uproar with even most of the sleepers yet that wasn’t what really needed to be addressed. Most governments and organizations such as the United Nations have labeled most cloning and especially Human Cloning as unethical and against universal law. Is that truly how they feel? Perhaps it is on a majority ruling by these groups but it is the top controllers who have the final say and I can tell you with certainty that Human Cloning is not off the table. Even currently we see it with the Genetic manipulation and then cloning of the prototype animal when it comes to GMO. Such examples can be seen with the new GMO Salmon, Pig and Chicken. One particular ranch in Texas clones sheep for a “better” product. All the while our government stands aside allowing it to happen with almost no regulation or oversight. There are around 100 institutions just in the United States doing vast amount of research and development in the field of Synthetic Biology which has the closest ties to cloning. Now just consider one thing as it does relate to this. By now it is a known fact that the Elite have been working hard to break up families, glorify adultery, cause impotency through food and medicine and destroy the want for sexual intimacy and even love by many means. This all being obvious and with the fact that THEY cannot survive without US then we need to ask how do they intend on maintaining a source of their drones. Human Cloning is one of the possible solutions to that. The Illuminati preach and implant into the minds of the masses that the only way to be happy is through perfection. The Nazi’s wanted perfection and the outcome was countless numbers of Blond hair, blue eyed twins.
Some of you may or may not be aware of a certain project known as OMEGA. I have spoken about this project in past interviews and have also discussed it with Dr. Bill Deagle on several occasions due to the fact he has experience with it as well.OMEGA is a general label for a larger genetic manipulation/engineering/cloning Black Project. The origin of this project is said to come from the Nazi scientists brought over during Project Paperclip and I am sure that is accurate. Dr. Bill Deagle discusses the part of this project he witnessed at a Deep Underground Military Base in Colorado, which can be found online. The side I bared witness to was at a facility in the Caribbean. That is for another time to discuss. There are others out there sharing information on what they were a part of and witnessed as well when it comes to Cloning but I still find it odd that most people seem to sweep it away so as to have room to talk about other things. This is an important subject we must keep close to the surface of our minds.

A while back I saw a preview for a movie which caused me to feel uneasy and even brought back memories of a somewhat related situation. I felt an overwhelming need to see this movie for the simple fact that it triggered something inside my mind. It was hard to explain at the time so I just went with my gut and watched it. I must say the movie is labeled as Sci-Fi but the reality is that this movie is more real than most would want to consider. I must warn those who decide to watch it that this movie on many levels is disturbing. The movie trailer alone will either peak your interest or turn you away.

This subject needs further discussion at a later time but I feel since it is not brushed upon very much that I will provide plenty of material for you to review and then if enough people want to know more I will post a further report diving deep into all aspects of Cloning.

Lets get into it…

Two other documentaries I recommend related to Cloning.

It may be good to go back and review two other reports I have posted that do tie into Cloning.

Is this what our future has in store for us?

Further resources on Cloning as well as the Forbidden Vault file. This will keep you busy.

Human Genomics Project Cloning Fact Sheet
AMA- Human Cloning
The Future of Human Cloning – ethics – progress – politics
Human Cloning and Genetic Modification
The Rising Prospect of Human Cloning

Forbidden Vault file on Cloning

The way I see it is we are looking at a World that is splitting in two. One Earth that is occupied with free thinking Humans who peacefully co-exist with all life and honor who we really are. The other Earth being filled with the drones who have been manipulated and modified by the Elite so as to have a population known as the Transhumans. I don’t like that option at all nor do I like the idea of two Worlds. We are all Humans and we need to maintain our natural order. The control and the manipulation must be stopped at any cost.
Exist Free….

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